There are probable occurring problems when disc shear runs. Continue to cut Generally, this is caused by serious wear or too much clearance, the shearing edge gap should be calibrated or the blade should be replaced; it may also be that the shearing edge locks the hydraulic nut or the…
During the billet heated, operators should take measures to prevent following case happening. Overheating When the steel billet is heated for a long time at high temperature, it is very easy to overheat. The overheating phenomenon of steel billet is mainly manifested in the excessive growth of the microstructure grains…
It is quite important to operate a new induction furnace correctly, that could affect the service life of the induction furnace. The new furnace should be continuously smelted as much as possible to avoid thermal shock damage caused by intermittent melting and hot and cold, and generally should be continuously…
According to incomplete statistics, 2021 global new steel production capacity (excluding China) nearly 90 million tons mainly concentrated in Asia, Europe, including new long steel capacity of 14.4 million tons , new plate capacity of 14.02 million tons, new crude steel production capacity of about 53.27 million tons, new semi-finished…
Solidification of continuous casting billets will release much heat that divided three parts: superheat of steel: the heat released from the cooling of the steel from the pouring temperature to the solidification temperature; latent heat of solidification: the heat released from the cooling of the steel from the liquid phase temperature…
Why is nitrogen added to the steelmaking process? The effect of nitrogen on steel is mainly in the area of heat treatment and process properties. Both nitrogen and carbon can be incorporated into iron as an interstitial linkage to iron, and unlike carbon, nitrogen is a very good austenitic stabilizing…
DC EAF and AC EAF steelmaking process has different features The magnetic field force generated by the energized in DC EAF has strong stirring ability than the AC EAF, and DC EAF decarburization, dephosphorization, degassing reaction is faster than the AC EAF, more conducive to the operation. Because the desulfurization…
For electric furnace steelmaking process, there are 20 kinds of scrap able to be used. Carbon scrap: All kinds of carbon scrap shall not be mixed with alloy scrap, plate thickness above 2mm, wire diameter above 4mm, single weight above 0.25kg including edge scrap, cast steel parts, scrap machine parts,…
Clean steel is a steel with very strict requirements for the content of impurity elements in steel, generally requiring S,P mass fraction of less than 0.01%, and the content of hydrogen, oxygen and low melting point metals also have strict requirements. China’s current production of clean steel mainly uses the…
Longitudinal cracks on the surface of continuous casting billets leave delamination defects on the rolled sheet, which can cause breakout and waste billets.The research points out that the longitudinal cracks originate from the unevenness of the thickness of the primary billet shell on the bending moon surface of mould. The tensile…