Industry News Archives - Страница 2 из 13 - Shanghai Metallurgy Equipment Group

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Интеграция технологий литья и прокатки

Гран-при премии в области металлургической науки и техники 2024 года был присужден проекту MCCR Multi-mode Continuous Casting and Rolling Technology Integration and Innovation компании Shougang Jingtang. Технология интеграции литья и прокатки является крупным достижением в технологии интерфейса процесса производства чугуна и стали. Г-н Ван Голянь, секретарь партийного комитета отдела прокатки…

2023 Major Events In Special Steel Sector

1.In 2023, the high-end development of special steel industry products accelerated, and the industry pattern realised significant adjustment. China Special Steel Enterprise Association statistics show that in 2023, China’s crude steel output of special steel increased slightly by 1.7% year-on-year, of which the output of special quality alloy steel rose…

2023 Global Steel Overview

What is the major changes of 2023 global steel industry? From the OECD report found 2023 global steel performances and regional trends. Crude steel capacity uping According to a report released by the OECD, global crude steel capacity reached 2,498.6 million tonnes by the end of 2023, an increase of…

Steel Mill Robots

More and more industrial robots appear in production area of the steel plant, robots can work continuously for a long time, and there is good consistency of the work standard. 1.To replace the labour-intensive jobs. For repetitive, and labour-intensive operations, robotic operations can reduce the labour intensity and risk of…