Blog - notícias e insights - grupo de equipamentos de metalurgia de Xangai


Influence Factors of Rolling Force

Influence Factors of Rolling Force

The factors affecting the rolling force are: Absolute reduction In the roll diameter and friction coefficient of the same conditions, the contact area between rolled part and roll becomes large along with increase of absolute amount of press-down, so the rolling force increases. Roll diameter The contact area increases as the roll diameter increases, while the…
Create Extreme Thin Steel

Create Extreme Thin Steel

In 2016, TISCO successfully developed hand-tear stainless steel with a thickness of only 0.02mm, and in 2020 TISCO created another hand-tear stainless steel with a thickness of 0.015mm, breaking the world’s thinnest record. Ultra-thin high-grade non-oriented silicon steel, thickness of 0.15mm 2023.March, BaoWu New Steel Group’s ultra-thin high-grade non-oriented silicon…
Amazing Admission Letter

Amazing Admission Letter

University of Science and Technology Beijing’s new revised undergraduate admission letter made a stunning debut, the admission letter is made of super thin steel foil (also named 5G steel). The 5G steel thickness up to 0.07mm is mainly 5G base station signal receiver, signal transmission filter, integrated circuit board and other sector. The research…
The 21st China International Metallurgical Industry Exhibition

The 21st China International Metallurgical Industry Exhibition

The 21st China International Metallurgical Industry Exhibition was held in Shanghai from June 14-16, 2023. 2023 Metallurgy China focuses on green products and solutions, low-carbon environmental protection equipment and technology, intelligent manufacturing equipment and technology, metallurgical products, industrial automation supporting and peripheral products, metallurgical production raw and auxiliary materials, pipe processing equipment and…
World Steel Statistics (2022)

World Steel Statistics (2022)

World Steel Statistics recently released by the World Steel Association Crude steel production Global crude steel production in 2022 was 1.885 billion tons, down 3.9% y-o-y. China’s crude steel production reached 1.018 billion tons in 2022, down 1.7% y-o-y and down for the second consecutive year, with production accounting for 54.0%…

Primeira produção do projeto de demonstração de metalurgia de hidrogênio de 1,2 milhão de toneladas

O primeiro projeto de demonstração de metalurgia de hidrogênio de 1,2 milhão de toneladas do mundo (doravante denominado projeto de demonstração de metalurgia de hidrogênio) da HISCO alcançou a produção contínua segura e suave de produtos DRI verdes. Atualmente, a taxa de metalização de produtos DRI atingiu 94%, e os…

Dedescaling Nozzle

Dedescaling nozzle as a key component affects the surface quality of hot-rolled products directly, if the descaling nozzle is not used properly, the surface of the product is easy to press into the iron oxide or produce black marks and other surface quality problems; will also increase roll consumption. When the high-temperature slab is subjected to high-pressure…