In August, SME Group has executed the Nigeria 132 kVA substation contract which was signed in June 2013 as an EPC project.
In June, more than 100 persons of SME engineering& operating team were dispatched to Algeria. They were under the production management service contract to operate and manage a project of 400,000t bar production for one local company.
On September 6th, 2011, SME Group has signed the sales contract of 180,000TPA rebar &wire rod production line with Ethiopian Company, which is a turn-key project and the equipment of first shipment will be delivered in the beginning of 2012.
En mai 2010, le directeur général de RIGITE Brésil a visité le siège social de SME et a discuté du projet d’investissement de deuxième étape – ligne de production de tubes en acier sans soudure avec le département de gestion de la production de SME.