SME dispatched 110 personnel to a steel factory in Nigeria for operating & managing a 250,000t steel rolling production line in September, 2013. It will last 2 years according to the agreement and SME will also train the local personnel for the production line.
On December 10th, 2012, the general manager of SME signed an operation agreement with a Sudanese client in Khartoum for a production line with a capacity of 300,000 TPA H-section steel and 300,000 TPA wire rod & rebar.
On October 10th, SME general manager signed the sales contract of 300,000TPA rebar production line with Leader Group in Khartoum, Sudan.
In August, SME Group has executed the Nigeria 132 kVA substation contract which was signed in June 2013 as an EPC project.
In June, more than 100 persons of SME engineering& operating team were dispatched to Algeria. They were under the production management service contract to operate and manage a project of 400,000t bar production for one local company.
On September 6th, 2011, SME Group has signed the sales contract of 180,000TPA rebar &wire rod production line with Ethiopian Company, which is a turn-key project and the equipment of first shipment will be delivered in the beginning of 2012.
In May 2010, Brazil RIGITE general manager visited SME headquarter and talked over the second stage investment project-seamless steel pipe production line with Department of production management of SME.