Successful Cases - Iron and Steel Project Worldwide

Our Latest Projects

Explore our successful projects worldwide, from ironmaking and steelmaking to rolling mills, showcasing our dedication to building efficient and customized plants for clients across the globe.

Wire Rod Storage Area of Algeria 350,000TPA High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Algeria 350,000TPA High-speed Wire Rod Plant

The project reached its designed production capacity in just two weeks after hot commissioning.
A young SME Worker took photo with local workers near the rolling mill, showing the friendship between the two partners.

Sudan 500,000TPA Rebar Production Line

Turnkey project of 500,000 TPA rebar rolling mill in Sudan.
10t Induction Furnace for Algeria Integrated Steel Plant

Algeria 100,000TPA Integrated Steel Plant

Integrated induction furnace integrated steel plant, from scrap to angle steel.
Laying Head for Wire Rod Rolling Mill

Ethiopia 180,000TPA Rebar and Wire Rod Steel Plant

Turnkey project of rebar & wire rod rolling mill in Ethiopia.
50t Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) Installation

Algeria 300,000TPA Steelmaking Plant

Turnkey Electric arc furnace steelmaking project in Algeria.
Universal Rolling Mill for Sudan 300,000TPA H-beam Production Line

Sudan 300,000TPA H-beam Production Line

The FIRST H-beam plant in Sudan using universal mill for different specs.
SME workers wearing masks at the production site of Ethiopia 270,000 TPA Rebar & Wire Rod Plant

Ethiopia 270,000 TPA Rebar and Wire Rod Plant

A new turnkey project of 270,000TPA rebar and wire rod plant in Ethiopia.
Ceremony for Steel Structure Completion of Ethiopia 200,000TPA Steelmaking Project

Ethiopia 200,000TPA Steelmaking Plant

200,000TPA Steelmaking Project in Ethiopia under construction now.
Withdrawal straightening machine for mini steelmaking project

Nigeria 50,000TPA Steelmaking Plant

Short construction time, smooth commissioning and fast production.
Plant View of Nigeria 260,000TPA Rebar & High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Nigeria 260,000TPA Rebar and High-speed Wire Rod Plant

260,000 tons/year rebar and high-speed wire rod mill turnkey project in Nigeria
Wire Rod Collection - Ethiopia 180,000TPA Rebar & High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Ethiopia 180,000TPA Rebar and High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Ethiopia's FIRST high-speed wire rod production line.
SME workers are installing the electric arc furnace for Nigeria steelmaking project

Nigeria 300,000TPA Steelmaking Plant

Turnkey EAF steelmaking project collaborated with DANIELI
Commissioning of Ethiopia 300,000TPA Rebar & High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Ethiopia 300,000TPA Rebar and High-speed Wire Rod Plant

Rebar and high-speed wire rod rolling mill turnkey project. Construction Period